Fall Hard

There comes a time where you get backed against the wall. You can’t breathe. You can’t speak. Your heart is racing. You try to pause and think for a moment but you can’t. The thoughts keep pouring in one after another. You look at yourself in the mirror. You question who you are. You feel lost… you don’t know anymore. Somewhere along the way you have let yourself go. You’re tired. You’re fed up with what you been going through. Enough is enough. You decide today is a new start.

Intermittent fasting. That’s what I’m doing. Whether it would reboot me or give me some sort of productivity motivation; I am not sure. What I do know is that enough is enough. Yes…. we always say that to ourselves and we tend to take two steps back. I haven’t done intermittent fasting in a while. I haven’t really worked out in a while. I haven’t really been keeping myself accountable. I’m tired of relying on others. That’s when you know you get to the point of no return where all you can do is count on you. Do what you do best and continue to push harder than you did the day before.

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