500 Word Blog per Day

So I’ve been practically reading one book per day. It’s amazing how much I can finish in such a short of time. I usually get my books from Amazon Kindle and I have to say it’s so much better than taking the time to drive to the library all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love paperback books. But there’s something about being able to carry my iPad and carry multiple books at time to read. That’s not the point to this blog.
I’m big on personal development, and even though I have yet to improve on many areas of my life; I can’t help but feel motivated to better myself. So that’s what this blog is about. It’s me trying to create a better habit that I can implement automatically without me thinking about it. My blogs have become short, and I never really keep track of how many words I’m typing per blog. So I’m going to try to make it consistent in the beginning stage. If I can somehow manage to make 500 words per day, then I can say that I’ll be improving a lot more along the way.
Other than that, I’m doing well. I got a stable job finally and I got promoted within 2 months. My goal is for me to get promoted even more. I honestly love this job. I love talking to customers especially the ones who love to talk with you as well. In my downtime, I usually spend it bettering myself. Most of the time you’ll find me just reading on my iPad. I think I got bored of Netflix. The only times I spend watching is when my absolute favorite shows are on. The same thing happened when I used to love playing games.
I’m not sure what happened along the way, but eventually I just stopped playing games. Don’t get me wrong… I play games once in a while, but I don’t play them hours at a time like I used to. Slowly Netflix will fade out, and books has become a big part of my life. I’m not sure if I could call myself an avid reader. It is in my hopes though that I an start working on my blogs and working on social media more along with my personal development. 
Even though I love to read so much, I won’t get anywhere with my business if I don’t start implementing something. I admit that I’m dealing with a lot right now in life. I admit that I made some mistakes in my life that I wish I could’ve changed. I can’t keep dwelling on the past. I’m focused on the present and the actions I can do at this moment that will better my future. 
It is in my hopes that I can do BeachBody again. I’m not really sure. BeachBody is really the only company that I’m interested when it comes to health and fitness. If you have any other suggestions on business ventures I can look into, please let me know.
Other than that, I thank you for reading.

Let’s Make Changes Now

A lot of you know that I have been working on personal development. Most of you know that I have been struggling to the point where I Just didn’t want to live anymore. It came to the point where I was so depressed, that the thought of my struggles paralyzed me. Just a couple of days, I decided that enough was enough. I went to the library to get Tony Robbin’s Awaken the Giant Within book once more. This time I decided that I would write down what was told, and implement the practices in my life instead of just reading.

I was not expecting for me to write in a composition book again. I didn’t think that I would pick up a pen and start writing, but I really want to change. I’m desperate enough to try everything and do everything.

In the book, it was asking me what are 4 things that I been pushing off. 4 things that despite of me trying, I would not really commit to it. So I decided to start with my four that I have been trying to do… that consisted of waking up at 3am, sticking to the warrior diet, doing the BeachBody business, and doing meditation.

When it comes down to Warrior Diet, I am afraid that I won’t get the desired benefits that come with intermittent fasting. I’m scared that it’s just a fad and that despite my efforts, I won’t gain anything. If I wake up at 3AM, I feel like I will end up just crashing later on in the day which meant that I didn’t really gain extra time so there’s no point in waking up at 3AM anyway. When it comes to meditation, I am afraid that I am just wasting time if I take the time to meditate on a daily basis. When it comes to the BeachBody business; I am scared that if I put the time and effort; I won’t be as successful.

Watch the video for more in-depth.


Start of a New Year

It’s the end of the 2016 as we welcome 2017 into our lives.

People will have hopes of a new year and there will be those who have doubts. I have not really spent the time to plan out what I want to accomplish in the new year. If I think about it, I never really set down goals on what I wanted to accomplish each year.

I technically just let life pass me by and I probably let go of opportunities that were staring at me in the face that I never really knew. Regardless, I’m not really sure if I’m mentally prepared to tackle 2017 just yet. I think I need to take in all that has happened in my life first. I need to see all the wrongs that happened and how have I handled it?

I want to grow to new heights, but I’m scared that I wouldn’t be able to change. That’s just me being honest. I know some of you can relate. No matter what, I want to keep trying. I hope that I can change so much within this year and I hope the same for you.

Here’s to a new year everyone! May you progress towards the life you want to achieve. May you define your own being this year. Make the best of it!